Radio Študent bo v sklopu projekta pripravil 20 radijskih oddaj o evropski kohezijski politiki – njenih možnostih, vplivih in implementaciji kohezijskih projektov. Novinarji Aktualno politične redakcije RŠ bodo v oddajah “Mega offsajd” pod novinarski drobnogled vzeli 20 različnih projektov v Sloveniji in jih s pomočjo intervjujev s predstavniki projektov ter področnimi strokovnjaki kritično predstavili svojemu poslušalstvu.
Oddaje bodo na sporedu vsako drugo sredo ob 17h in to vse do konca oktobra 2022.
20. Šetanje po Dravski rivieri – Walking on the Drava riviera
Author: Ajda Kleindienst
Broadcast date: 10. 11. 2022
The program covers the financing of the footbridge in the city of Maribor which will connect the area of Lent with Tabor. The program presents different opinions on whether the footbridge will contribute something good for the city of Maribor. Construction of the footbridge, which has already started, is partly financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The whole project will cost around 4.5 millions, the municipality will get 2.5 millions euros from the EU fund. A general opinion is that the footbridge will make Maribor a better, more vivid place. The municipality is planning on building a whole riviera around the river Drava, which will bring the area around the river back to life. The radio program focuses on interweaving the following experts in the field: deputy mayor Gregor Reichenberg, architect Peter Gabrijelčič and art curator Primož Premzl.
19. Graščina na Stari Savi – Manor on Stara Sava
The programme covers the restoration of the Bucelleni-Ruard ironmaking Manor, which is located on Stara Sava, in the Municipality of Jesenice. The restoration, led by the aformentioned municipality, is partially financed by the European Union Cohesion Fund. The Municipality of Jesenice as the main investor also applied for additional funds, allocated in the Recovery and Resilience plan, but was unsuccessful. The radio programme focuses on problems that appeared during the restoration process and tries to figure out what they mean for the Ironmaking Museum which is currently closed due to the restoration of Bucelleni-Ruard ironmaking Manor.
The topic was discussed with the following guest experts:
Blaž Račič, the mayor of Jesenice
Aljaž Pogačnik, the director of Gornjesavski Museum Jesenice
Matevž Remškar, a conservator at Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia
Author: Žiga Fabjan
18. Mikrotrg mikropivovarn (Micromarket of microbreweries)
Author: Blaž Omahen
Broadcast date: 27. 10. 2022
The program covers European Union cohesion projects focused on supporting local microbreweries in Slovenia. They produce so called craft beers. One of such projects is titled Development of brewing industry in Ruše. Ruše are a small town with population of four thousand people. Money from cohesion funds were intended for a local microbrewery called Lobik Brewery. They were successful on two such tenders but they didn’t complete the official goals in one of them so they didn’t get the money. Another microbrewery covered in the program is Green Gold Brewery located in Šempeter in the Savinja Valley. They obtained the funds for spreading on foreign markets.
Luka Rojnik – founder of microbrewery Green Gold Brewery
Damir Galijaš – owner of beer shop Že v redu, Primož
Alen Zarič – head brewer in Lobik Brewery
17. 2TDK railway line
2TDK railway line is currently the most expensive infrastructure project in Slovenia, costing €997 million. The largest part of the investment is the State’s capital contribution. The total investment of the Republic of Slovenia is estimated at €510 million, of which €110 million is to come from the surcharge on the toll for freight vehicles, €200 million from the state budget and an additional €248 million from the European Union’s Cohesion Fund. The remaining funds come from loans from the European Investment Bank, the Slovenian Export and Development Bank and the New Ljubljana Bank. The entire route is going to be 27.1 kilometres long. The project faced many obstacles in the beginning, such as track capacity issues and contract annexes, that still exist today.
16. Kohezijska komercializacija menstruacije
Author: Matija Pohorec
Broadcast date: 15.09.2022
The program follows an EU cohesion project called MeTime. It was started back in 2016 by a slovenian influencer Tjaša Joksimović. She used to sell period subscription boxes with tampons, chocolate bars etc. With the following guests this program covers different aspects and implications of the project. It also focuses on global and local menstrual poverty.
Tjaša Joksimović – influencer and entrepreneur
Hana Turšič – gender researcher
Simon Maljevac – Secretary at the Ministry of Labour
15. Mrtve ribe namesto poplav- Dead fishes instead of floods
In the program we present a project on Gradaščica river that is part of Operational cohesion project for the period 2014-2020. We are presenting the measures that will be taken to prevent the flooding of the river. In the program we included interviews with the director of the project Mr. Bojan Drnovšek and a biologist Mrs. Polona Pengal. The project that started in 2017 and is divided in two phases had to be, because of the issues presented in our program, extended for 2 years and will most likely end in 2025. The cost of the project is estimated to be around 68 million euros.
Author: Fin Lucu Dražovič
14. Workers' settlement Orehek
A workers’ settlement is being completed near Orehek, next to Postojna, and is already home to workers building the second track of the railway line between Koper and Divača. Currently the most expensive infrastructure project in Slovenia, it is co-financed by the European Union with €248 million. The Turkish company Yapi Merkezi, one of the subcontractors for the construction of the second railway line, started demolishing the old buildings in front of Orehek village last July, and later started building the settlement. The worker’s settlement, which covers almost 20 000 square metres, includes sleeping quarters for more than 800 people, with a canteen, laundry, clinic, offices, rest rooms, a prayer room, car parks and sports pitches for football and basketball. Work is still ongoing. Both playgrounds are currently under construction, as evidenced by the constant arrivals and departures of lorries. From the start, construction has encountered many problems, from obtaining the building permit to the constant inspections, which have revealed several irregularities.
Samo Ivančič – Company representative
Tina Klanjšek – President of the local community
Author: Žan Premrov
13. Sweet home, who will have you?
Broadcast talks about building new non- profit apartments across Slovenia. The intention is to build 10.000 apartments over ten years. Ministry of environment and space planning is delegating money from Plan for recovery and resilience. The apartments will be non profit and build according to highest standard of energy efficiency. Črtomir Remec director of Housing Fund of Republic of Slovenia, Public Fund describes this building project.. Sašo Rink, director of Housing Fund of municipality of Ljubljana talks about execution of this project in Ljubljana. Rok Ramšak, expert in housing policy discuss the problems of Slovenian housing policy.
12. Ob sotočju Kokre in Save – At the confluence of Kokra and Sava
The program covers the renovation of the building on Cankarjeva street 2 in Kranj. The old town of Kranj in one of the oldest inhabited areas in Slovenia. The building is part of the city center, which like most Slovenian cities, is protected as a monument of local importance. Cities like Kranj require renovation of buildings that preserve cultural heritage but still serve in modern day. In this program we focused on the renovation of the building that has been abandoned since 2006. Due to that the space has been unfit to host any cultural or educational institution. With the help of European cohesion funds city of Kranj was able to finance the renovation of said space. The building will be dedicated to two cultural centers – The Music School of Kranj and The Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Cultural Activities in Kranj, that previously did not have proper spaces for their activities. At the confluence of Kokra and Sava with the following guests:
Matjaž Rakovec, mayor of city Kranj
Matevž Remškar, conservator of Kranj unit of the Institute for Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia
Tatjan Dolžan Eržen, Museum Councilor for Ethnology in the Gorenjski muzej
Author: Tia Kozjek
11. Škofja Loka fights against floods
The broadcast presents project of municipality Škofja Loka intented to prevent flooding in Škofja Loka. They will build anti flooding wals, temporary panels and also pathways and beaches alongside of river Sora till year 2025. We discussed the project with Tatjana Bernik, director of department of environment inside Škofja Loka municipality and with Roman Kramar from Agency for water, under Ministry of environment. Mihael Brenčič talked about smart management of water.
10. Alternus Cloaca – Alternative sewer
The C0 sewerage system is a project involving three municipalities – Ljubljana, Medvode and Vodice. The construction of a new 12-kilometre long sewer will transfer most of the wastewater from these three municipalities to the main sewage treatment plant near Ljubljana.
The project is estimated to cost around €130 million, with the European Union as the main investor, followed by the aforementioned municipalities and the Republic of Slovenia. The project has been criticised in recent years by environmentalists, political parties and the owners of the land on which it is being built. Critics of the construction are concerned that the new sewerage system will pollute drinking water sources if it fails and that several mistakes were made in the permitting process.
The programme focuses on: civil engineering, surveying, hydrology and environmental protection.
Zoran Janković, Mayor of Ljubljana
Krištof Mlakar, Director of Voka Snaga
Dr. Nataša Atanasova, professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy.
Author: Žan Premrov
9. Particles are in the air
The program covers the Sinica project, financed by the EU Cohesion Fund. The project aimed to improve the network of air quality monitors around Slovenia and broaden the range of particles they can record. We also gain additional information on the different types of monitoring devices used. Since the introduction of the idea to build an incinerator in Ljubljana, this type of awareness of the air quality is even more important. However, not all can agree on whether or not having information on the air quality is enough to guarantee a safe environment for all. Lastly, we cover building awareness of the locals on air quality and whether or not the project does enough to educate and empower people. We host the following guests:
Janja Turšič, employee at the Agency RS for environment and worker on the project Sinica
Tomaž Gorenc, Director of the Institute for health and environment
Jaroslav Škantar, from the Electroinstitute Milan Vidmar.
Author: Lucija Ivanuša
8. Evropsko, zeleno in poceni - European, green and cheap
Javni razpis za sofinanciranje operacij gradnje novih manjših proizvodnih naprav za proizvodnjo električne energije z izrabo sončne energije is project of grants to companies to install small scale solar power generating units to both lover their operating costs and to reduce greenhouse emissions of the electrical grid. Grants founds solar installations up to 10 MW. Grants founds 20% of investment for companies. Typical investment in their projects is in the range of 30 000 € to 100 000 €. Beneficiaries are typically small and medium size companies in manufacturing sector. Solar panels are typically installed on roofs of their production facilities. Companies we talked with were very interested in lowering their electricity so they were enthusiastic to install solar panels. We found out, that distribution of founds was fairly efficient and there beneficiaries reported, that administrative burden, although considerable, was much more manageable for them, compared to some other projects we reported on, particularly for non-government organisations (NGOs). The main constraining factors are limitations of the grid. Limitations are on local level in distribution level, particularly on side to electrical substations. Problem is coherency of solar power in the grid. When weather is favourable, production of solar power stations increases coherently and can overwhelms the substations. n future limiting factor could be also overall balancing of supply and demand of power in the grid, but that is not problem so far, so, as share of solar power is relatively small. Main problem of projects we identify was the fact, that every company we talked to (around 10, much more, than included in radio show) admitted that they would decide for their investment even without support. State support was therefore not necessary to generate investment in solar power. On other side most underfunded area is the distribution and is nod founded by similar projects. Overinvestment in small scale solar power stations poses problem of socializing the costs of necessary investments in the grid and keeping benefits of low-cost power generating to the companies with best assets in palace, such as factory building suitable for solar installations, good grid connections and administrative capacity.
Jožef Štibilj CEO og Goriške pekarne d. o. o.
Rafael Mihalič professor at Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana, specialist in electric power transmission and distribution
Author: Gal Krizmanaič
7. Nad Dravo stoji, pol prenovljen - It stands above Drava, half renovated
The program covers renovation process of the Borl Castle in Haloze region in Northeastern Slovenia. The Borl castle is one of the biggest and the oldest in Slovenia and in the broader region, but due to the malnourishment and poor infrastructure it has been falling apart for almost a decade. With the help of European cohesion funds that financed two projects involving the castle’s renovation (Drava: Obnova in oživljanje gradu Borl and ZaDravo) it is currently undergoing restoration and renovation, which will hopefully help the Castle regain its initial function – to connect the local people and make the region more attractive to tourists. This is even more important, because Haloze hills are a region with significantly negative population trends. It stands above Drava, half renovated with the following guests:
Sonja Golc, president of the Borl Castle Revival Society
Dominik Bombek, Senior Adviser of the Regional Development Agency for Podravje – Maribor
Author: Matija Pohorec
6. Vsi enaki a ne zares enakopravni – All equal, but some are more equal
The program covers introduction and implementation of the European disability card, in Slovenian named European card of benefits for invalids, that aims at embettering the accessibility of services for invalids and handicaped people in Slovenia and eight partner EU countries. The program is structured in two parts. Firstly we learn about the first phase of the project (2015-2017); its conception, realization and challenges that applicants and participles faced. Secondly we adress the ongoing stage of the project (2021-2023), where we discuss the methodology of assessing the accessibility of buildings and surroundings, renovation and actualization of the national service of providers and necessary improvements on the promotion of the project. In the concluding part of the program we critically assess the project with the help of the users; Slovenian invalids and handicaped people. All equal, but some are more equal, hosts the following guests:
Maša Malovrh, specialist for online accessibility at Beletrina literary agency, project co-partner.
Mojca Vaupotič, secretary general of The National Council of Disability Organizations of Slovenia, project holder.
Nina Goršič, research fellow at Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Saša Mlakar, secretary and coordinator for International Affairs at the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, project initiator
Author: Miha Poredoš
5. Nič več veličastne Povodnji v Železnikih – No More Great Floods in Železniki
The program covers an European Union cohesion project, titled Reduction of flood risk for the Selška Sora river sub-basin (up to Dolenja vas) – reduction of flood risks in the potential significant flood risk area of Železniki. Železniki are a small town with population of three thousand people, which were devastated by floods in 2007. The occurrence of floods in Železniki is relatively high, since the town had been previously effected by high waters in years 1979, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1995 in 1998. The radio program focuses on how a local government and public institutions can, with the help of European cohesion funds, can work together to reduce flood risk for the Selška Sora river. The topic was discussed with the following guest experts:
Andrej Golob, a hydrologist at Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO)
Anton Luznar, the mayor of Železniki
Bojan Drnovšek, the head of the project at Slovenian Water Agency
Author: Žiga Fabjan
4. Šola za rešetkami – School behind the bars
In broadcast we discussed education of prisoners, its legal background and problems that arise in educational process with sociology professor at Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana Milica Antić Gaber and director of Cene Štupar – Centre for education Ljubljana, that implements education in prisons, Bojan Hajdinjak.
3. Zajeziti bobre – To Dam the Beavers
The program covers the financing of Institute Lutra, organization for preservation of natural heritage, that focuses mostly on protecting species like otters and beavers. The Institute is a part of the LIFE Beaver project, which is partly financed by European Commission in wish of protecting the environment and fight the climate crisis. The Ministry for Environment and Spatial planning has certain concerns when it comes to co-financing the LIFE Beaver project. Institute Lutra planned to obtain the amount, that is not covered by European Commission, by applying to the appeal issued by said Ministry. Thinking they obtained required resources, Lutra announced they have the rest of the funding covered, thus fulfilling conditions of European Commission to release the rest of the funding. The only thing missing was the signature of minister Andrej Vizjak, but the final step hasn’t happened. In case the contract not being signed by the minister, Institute Lutra will be left without a part of finances, they need in order to continue the project LIFE Beaver that started in September 2020. The radio program focuses on interweaving the following experts in environmental field:
Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamaič, researcher and founder of th e Institute Lutra
Mihael Jožef Toman, university professor at the Department of Biology, Chair of Ecology and Enviroment Conservation
Goran Forbici, director of CNVOS, Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs
Author: Tia Kozjek & Žiga Fabjan
2. Pohorske lisičje zagate - Pohorje golden fox mess
The program covers different topics in Pohorje hills, focusing especially on the Golden fox trophy (Alpine skiing world cup for women). The Golden fox trophy is a legendary sporting event in maribor that has a history of over 50 years, but due to the lack of snow, the organization committee was forced to move the races from Maribor to Kranjska Gora six times in the last 10 years. Global warming forced the committee to change the racing piste and cut down around 500 trees to make the terrain in the upper part of Pohorje ski resort more suitable for ski racing. Consequently the environmental activists warned about recklessness of such actions in light of the climate crisis. The problem is even more paradoxical, because Pohorje is included in EU cohesion project Vision Pohorje 2030 – Pohorka. The radio program focuses on interweaving between tourism, professional sports, environmentalism and biodiversity with the following guest experts:
Tone Vogrinec, the architect of slovenian and yugoslav professional alpine skiing
Nike Kranjc, research fellow from The Slovenian forestry institute
Sebastjan Štruc, coordinator of the Vision Pohorje 2030 – Pohorka project from the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation
Author: Tia Kozjek & Žiga Fabjan
1. Naredimo mokrišča spet veličastna! - Let's make wetlands great again!
Project KRAS RE.VITA focuses on rejuvenation of the Cerknica Lake and Planina field. The goal of the project is to improve living conditions of certain animal and plant species, and also attract new tourists to the area.
Lake Cerknica is one of the largest intermittent lakes in Europe. It appears every year on the karst plain, caught between the Javorniki hills and the Bloke plateau on one side, and Mount Slivnica on the other. During the dry season, the lake disappears, which enables paddling, fishing, hiking or grass mowing in the same area in just one year.
The lake normally stays on the Cerknica plain for about eight months a year. Water usually spreads over the surface of 20 km2, but at its fullest, the lake covers a surface of about 26 km2. When full, Lake Cerknica becomes the largest lake in Slovenia.
Radio program focuses on agriculture, environmentalism, endangered species and how to attract new tourists into this region of Slovenia.
Matevž Podjed, director of Notranjski regijski park (Notranjska regional park), and leader of project KRAS RE.VITA.
Jošt Stergaršek, head biologist on the project.
Author: Žan Premrov