Projektno partnerstvo je sestavljeno iz šestih radijskih mrež (na nacionalni ravni jo koordinirajo projektne partnerske organizacije), ki pokrivajo skupaj šest regij: Andaluzijo, Lombardijo, Leinster, Baden-Württemberg, osrednjo Madžarsko in osrednjo Slovenijo. Vseh 123 radijskih postaj, ki so vključene v projekt, ima po ocenah več kot 4,6 milijona poslušalcev.
Vseh šest projektnih partnerjev ima pomembne izkušnje z vodenjem in izvajanjem evropskih projektov. Prav tako so vsi partnerji sodelovali pri projektu Spoštuj besede – etično novinarstvo proti sovražnemu govoru, ki ga je financiral direktorat EK (DG Regio) in se je med letoma 2016 in 2018 izvajal v osmih državah.
Poleg tega so organizacije že vrsto let dejavne pri priljubljenih, obsežnih komunikacijskih pobudah o temah, ki odražajo srednjeevropske vrednote in politične prioritete: kulturna raznolikost, boj proti ksenofobiji, enakost spolov in podnebne spremembe, če jih naštejemo le nekaj.
The Andalusian Association of Municipal and Community Radio and Television Stations (EMA-RTV) is a non-profit association that brings together 88 local public and citizen media (radio and television stations) throughout Andalusia.
Radio, television, multimedia, international cooperation, training and solidarity initiatives; EMA-RTV is the first radio and audiovisual network in Andalusia. Born in 1984 from the will of the municipalities and civil society, it acts as a catalyst for social concerns in Andalusia. The network broadcasts under the Onda Local de Andalucía brand (OLA Radio, OLA Television and OLA on-line), which brings together all of EMA-RTV’s partner stations.
The hallmark of its broadcasts is its service to the public as a participatory channel. Its news agenda addresses a reality that has no place in the majority of the media and is open to new experiences of participatory communication with civil society.
The plurality and diversity of accents & cultures constitute the personality of a unique informative message in the Andalusian community and an international reference.
Two million listeners a day identify with a communication project assumed as a network of public and citizen media, in a territory with historical communication deficits. Thinking, telling and debating reality to facilitate the empowerment of citizens are the basis for achieving democratic progress and building fairer societies at the local level, aimed at satisfying the common good.
EMA-RTV is articulated through its General Assembly, where all members participate, and through the Board of Directors, represented by 13 city councils of all political parties, as well as a citizens’ radio station.
EMA-RTV has promoted and coordinates the project Europe in my Backyard.
Contact: Guillaume Buteau – Coordinador del proyecto – cooperacion@emartv.com
Avenida Américo Vespucio, nº 5, Edificio Cartuja Bloque 1, 2ª planta, módulo 4., 41092 Sevilla
Radio Dreyeckland (RDL) is a non-commercial, independent radio station in Freiburg (Germany). RDL was founded in 1977 as part of the anti-nuclear movement. In the beginning the station was forced to broadcast without a regular licence. With the help of more than 150 volunteers RDL since has developed into a broadcaster with a very rich programme. We currently feature more than 50 different music programmes, broadcasts on culture and subculture, background information and political analyses as well as news – many of these in more than 50 different languages besides German.
The name Dreyeckland (‘triangle country’) points to the High Rhine region where three countries, France, Switzerland and Germany, share borders. Many of the people living here think of the area as one region, thereby making national borders irrelevant for their daily lives. This particularly came to bear in the strong, transnational anti-nuclear movement in the region.
RDL can be listened to per FM, cable and online. In its broadcasting area RDL has 45,000 permanent listeners, with about 18 000 users visiting the station’s homepage each month. By exchanging many of its programmes with more than 60 broadcasters in Germany, Austria, Luxembourg and Switzerland, RDL reaches many more listeners in other German-speaking countries.
RDL is financed by the non-profit association “Freundeskreis Radio Dreyeckland”, direct donations, and a small fraction of the German broadcast and television license fee.
Radio Popolare has been a specialist broadcaster of information and free and independent communication since 1976 and is considered by many to be a “Radio Leader” in Italy for information due to its political and editorial independence.
It is run by CO-OPERATIVE DI RADIO POPOLARE. The co-operative is the major shareholder of ERREPI S.p.A. The company shares, in addition to the co-operatives’ are held by vast number (almost 15.000) of citizens. Radio Popolare sees its service function as offering a public interest communication, information and culture service of, choosing explicitly to represent in particular the interests of those (the majority of the population) who are obliged to suffer the mechanisms of the information process and have neither the means to affect or protect themselves from it.
Radio Popolare has a large experience in realization and coordination of European Radio Campaign co-financed by EU.
Radio Popolare broadcasts 24 hours a day (20 of which are live), 365 days a year. The headquarters of Radio Popolare are in the 1,600 square metres of the radio station itself. 46 people are employed at Radio Popolare including 36 professional journalists in addition to a large number of contributors. The broadcasts reach the whole of the Regione Lombardia plus a few areas to the south- west and east of the region. The weekly listener figures for 2016 as compiled by two independent nationally recognised organisations and published by EURISKO are around 420,000.
Since 1992, Radio Popolare is the leader of a national network which is linked via satellite, 20 local radio broadcasters transmit the Radio Popolare news and a few topical programmes in their areas.
Radio Študent (RŠ) je neprofitni skupnostni radio s popolno uredniško neodvisnostjo, določeno v našem ustanovitvenem aktu. RŠ, ki je bil ustanovljen leta 1969 (s strani Študentske organizacije Ljubljana) z namenom dati glas študentom in spregledanim ter marginaliziranim družbenim skupinam, je odločen zagovornik svojega poslanstva in zagovarja najvišje strokovne in etične novinarske standarde. Smo izobraževalna ustanova, ki na podlagi izkušenj v medijski produkciji nudi brezplačno poklicno usposabljanje za mlade novinarje, radijske napovedovalce in tehnike. Prizadevamo si za promocijo vrednot in pomena neodvisnega poklicnega novinarstva pri novih generacijah. Imamo preko 200 aktivnih novinarjev s področja politike, glasbe, kulture, znanosti in izobraževanja, ki negujejo kulturo kritike, poglobljenega raziskovanja in poročanja, novinarske integritete, verodostojnosti in pluralizma mnenj. Smo edini večji medij v Sloveniji, ki zagotavlja skupen prostor manjšinam in raznim drugim družbenim, interesnim skupinam in skupnostim.
Eno naših temeljnih poslanstev je bilo vedno zagotavljanje medijskega prostora študentom in drugi mladini, različnim družbenim skupinam, manjšinam in marginaliziranim skupnostim. Namesto da bi govoril v imenu teh skupin, RŠ zagotavlja vso potrebno uredniško in tehnično podporo, da lahko predstavniki skupin govorijo zase. Rezultat tega poslanstva se kaže v posebnem radijskem programu, ki ga pripravljajo pripadniki omenjenih skupnosti za te skupnosti in širše poslušalstvo, pri čemer sledimo inkluzivnem principu vključevanja novih članov:
- izobraževanje mladih generacij novinarjev v vseh segmentih novinarskega dela (reportaže, intervjuji, poglobljeno analitično poročanje, preiskovalno novinarstvo, preverjanje virov, umetnostna in glasbena kritika, znanost in izobraževanje) ter medijskih strokovnjakov na različnih področjih radia, videa in produkcije spletnih medijev (tehniki, napovedovalci, video producenti, uredniki družbenih omrežij) ter izvajanje komunikacijskih kampanj in organizacija javnih dogodkov, od strokovnih panelov do glasbenih koncertov
- študentske in visokošolske teme (redne informativne oddaje o aktualnih dogodkih, intervjuji, komentarji in okrogle mize, analiza zakonodaje in aktualnega dogajanja v zvezi s študenti in širše izobraževalne teme, vključno z vsemi stopnjami izobraževanja
- glasbene subkulture (glasbeni sklopi, ki jih pripravlja preko 60 glasbenih novinarjev; oddaje o zanemarjenih glasbenih zvrsteh na mainstream radiih – metal, hard-core, techno, reggae & rap, blues, jazz, etno, noise, trap, hyprepop itd.; glasbeni intervjuji in ocene),
- alternativna kultura (neinstitucionalna umetniška produkcija na področjih vizualne umetnosti, novih medijev, gledališča, filma, literature, arhitekture; raznoliki teoretični eseji; radijska drama; kulturne novice in kritike),
- etnične manjšine (posebne oddaje radijskih ustvarjalcev, rojenih v tujini: hrvaški, srbski, afriški; begunci in migranti)
- socialne manjšine in alternativne družbeno politične skupine (posebne oddaje, ki jih pripravljajo pripadnice in pripadniki feministične skupnosti, stigmatizirane skupnosti, brezdomci, LGBTIQ, anarhisti, lokalne skupnosti iz različnih regij).
The Foundation for Civil Radio was established in Budapest in 1993 to support and popularize the cause of non-governmental and non-profit radio broadcasting. In addition, it was established to operate a local radio station in Budapest for the same purpose. More than a hundred associations, foundations and institutes joined the program initiated by the founders.
Currently, Civil Radio broadcasts everyday with the help of more than a hundred volunteers. Cultural-, social-, public issues, environmental protection events, community actions, conflicts are the central topics of our programming. About 100 volunteer programmers and technicians present more than 50 programs.
Civil Radio is unique in its effort to give forum to the third sector, i.e. representatives or members of the civil societies, NGO-s and community initiatives. Presenters of the radio cover issues of community interests including but not limited to questions of social justice, disadvantaged and disabled people, environment, consumer protection, ethnic groups, cultural events, anti-discrimination, social exclusion or hate speech. Civil Radio also tries to involve its listeners in making radio programs. Editors frequently invite guests and in that way the radio encourages civil society to promote and publicize their activities.
We are an independent radio station, we do not depend on political or economic interest groups. Sources for its operation are: work of its volunteers, funding grants and other forms of financial assistance from friends of the station, donations. This is an interactive radio station, listeners can participate in the process occasionally or as often as they wish. One of our main objectives is to “demolish” the myth of mass media and to prove that everybody – who has a message – can get a microphone and be an active member of our team. Civil Radio highlights the social life and civic associations of the districts, analyses the contacts between local governments and civic organizations, and reports on different NGO-support systems developed by different democratic governments. We discuss the local traditions and what measures are being taken to protect them.
Near FM is part of Near Media Co-op which is a not-for-profit, member led, democratic co-operative operating on the principles of participation and diversity. Near Media Co-op, situated on the northside of Dublin, was founded in 1983; and anyone wishing to support the ideals of democratic ownership of media can become a shareholding member which entitles the shareholder to ownership of the community media platforms (Near FM, Near TV, NearCast). Near Media Co-op has over 120 volunteering members contributing at Near FM, Near TV and NearCast and has received awards from Amnesty International and the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (MAMA), AkiDwA (the national network of migrant women living in Ireland), Glór na nGael and some of its initiatives have become best practice examples at European level (i.e. Failte Radio). Near Media Coop was involved in the production of the first European media training manual from an intercultural perspective called Inter.Media.
Near TV operates as a Community TV production facility, TV Programmes are made available on our website, www.near.ie and on DCTV, Dublin Community Television. Near FM is a not-for-profit, democratic, community radio station, broadcasting 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We operate an open access policy and run a minimum of two community radio introduction courses a year for new volunteers a year and have trained over 250 people living in Dublin North over the last 5 years.
Near FM runs workshops on ‘How to get your message across’, ‘Media literacy’ and ‘Media law and regulations’. The station encourages groups to use community media as a tool in their development work and aims to reflect the issues, events and stories important in the local area. Programming involves radio drama, multilingual programmes, assisting unsigned musicians, intercultural programming, educational programming, outside broadcasts, documentaries to name a few. Near FM is proud to have broadcast programmes in several languages: French, Spanish, Basque, Chinese, Polish, German, Russian, Irish, Portuguese, Lingala, Bosnian.
Near FM is a lecturing partner in association with University of Wolverhampton for Coláiste Dhúlaigh, College of Further Education in Dublin to lecture parts of the BA Honours Degree in Broadcasting and Journalism. Near FM was the first radio station in Ireland (community, state and commercial) to podcast programming in 2004. Near FM and Near TV have been part of several EU funded partnerships (ECEA, Communicating Europe, Erasmus +) developing training and programmes.