Project KRAS RE.VITA focuses on rejuvenation of the Cerknica Lake and Planina field. The goal of the project is to improve living conditions of certain animal and plant species, and also attract new tourists to the area.
Lake Cerknica is one of the largest intermittent lakes in Europe. It appears every year on the karst plain, caught between the Javorniki hills and the Bloke plateau on one side, and Mount Slivnica on the other. During the dry season, the lake disappears, which enables paddling, fishing, hiking or grass mowing in the same area in just one year.
The lake normally stays on the Cerknica plain for about eight months a year. Water usually spreads over the surface of 20 km2, but at its fullest, the lake covers a surface of about 26 km2. When full, Lake Cerknica becomes the largest lake in Slovenia.
Radio program focuses on agriculture, environmentalism, endangered species and how to attract new tourists into this region of Slovenia.
Matevž Podjed, director of Notranjski regijski park (Notranjska regional park), and leader of project KRAS RE.VITA.
Jošt Stergaršek, head biologist on the project.
Author: Žan Premrov