Nad Dravo stoji, pol prenovljen – It stands above Drava, half renovated (25/05/2022)

Nad Dravo stoji, pol prenovljen - It stands above Drava, half renovated (25/05/2022)

The program covers renovation process of the Borl Castle in Haloze region in Northeastern Slovenia. The Borl castle is one of the biggest and the oldest in Slovenia and in the broader region, but due to the malnourishment and poor infrastructure it has been falling apart for almost a decade. With the help of European cohesion funds that financed two projects involving the castle’s renovation (Drava: Obnova in oživljanje gradu Borl and ZaDravo) it is currently undergoing restoration and renovation, which will hopefully help the Castle regain its initial function – to connect the local people and make the region more attractive to tourists. This is even more important, because Haloze hills are a region with significantly negative population trends. It stands above Drava, half renovated with the following guests:

Sonja Golc, president of the Borl Castle Revival Society

Dominik Bombek, Senior Adviser of the Regional Development Agency for Podravje – Maribor

Author: Matija Pohorec

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