Jeder Partner wird fünf beispielhafte Projekte auswählen, die aus Mitteln der europäischen Kohäsionspolitik finanziert werden, und 5 Videos aufnehmen, die speziell auf die Online-Verbreitung der Initiativen abzielen. Diese insgesamt 30 Projekte, die in den 6 am Projekt beteiligten Regionen angesiedelt sind, werden durch eine intensive Online-Kommunikationskampagne hervorgehoben, die auch 240 Podcast-Beiträge sowie 60 aktuelle Nachrichteninhalte über die europäische Kohäsionspolitik auf regionaler Ebene umfasst.
- Baden-Württemberg (Deutschland)
- Andalusia (Spain)
- Lombardy (Italy)
- Hungary
- Slovenia
Die gemeinnützige Stiftung Waldhaus will mit seinen vielfältigen Bildungsangeboten für das Ökosystem Wald sensibilisieren. Die Stiftung betreibt Umweltbildung und -pädagogik zu den Themen Wald und Nachhaltigkeit in Form von Workshops für Schüler*innen, Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen im offenen Kursprogramm. Mit einer EFRE Kofinanzierung hat das Waldhaus den Neubau eines Erweiterungsbaus realisiert.
Der Europäische Sozialfonds (ESF) fördert unter anderem Projekte, die die Beschäftigungschancen der Bürger*innen verbessern, in dem sie bei der Berufsorientierung helfen. Der Verein Werkstattschule in Heidelberg hat verschiedene praktische Projektformate und unterstützt Schüler*innen bei der Planung, Durchführung und Gestaltung von Bauprojekten auf dem eigenen Schulhof.
Die Abkürzung INSA bedeutet "Integration Straffälliger in Arbeit", das sind Programme, die durch den Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF) gefördert werden. Ziel des Projektes INSA+2 ist, durch frühzeitiges und systematisches Übergangsmanagement die schnelle Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt zu fördern und damit zu verhindern, dass Menschen (erneut) kriminell werden. Das durch die Werkstatt Parität geleitete Programm hat in Baden-Württemberg vier durchführende Stellen, wir blicken auf den Standort in Offenburg/Lahr.
Ohne Phosphor kann keine Pflanze wachsen. Mit mehreren tausend Tonnen düngt deshalb die Landwirtschaft die Böden in Deutschland. Doch bisher muss dieser Phosphor zu 100 Prozent importiert werden. Das soll sich in Zukunft ändern. Phosphor soll in Deutschland recycelt werden - und zwar aus Klärschlamm. Dazu wird gerade an etlichen Instituten geforscht und die ersten Recyclinganlagen werden in Baden-Württemberg, auch mit Hilfe von EU-Mitteln, gebaut.
Mit einem Betrag von etwa 21 Mio. Euro aus dem EFRE-Förderprogramm wurde der Neubau des Fraunhofer Institut für physikalische Messtechnik (IPM) in Freiburg gefördert. Das Institut forscht in engem Austausch mit Universität und Industrie an Messverfahren für Objekt- und Formerfassung, der Gas- und Prozesstechnologie sowie im Bereich Thermische Energiewandler. Der Neubau des IPM wird fast energieneutral betrieben und beispielweise mit Industrieabwärme und Grundwasser klimatisiert.
The renovation of the railway line running along the southern shore of Lake Balaton was long overdue. The Somogy county railway line in the southern Transdanubian region passes between Szántód-Kőröshegy and Balatonszentgyörgy. With the grant, new superstructures (rails, sleepers and ballast) were created on the main railway track and 53 km of tracks were renovated.
Promoted by the Campus of International Excellence in Agri-Food ceiA3 (Andalusia, Spain), and supported by the ERDF, the project aims to promote innovation focused on one of the most important strategic sectors for Andalusia, the agri-food sector. It promotes interconnection and synergies between research centres and agents of the sector from a transversal point of view and favours the implementation of innovative practices in 4 strategic areas.
Due to an increase in demand for active tourism activities in the Subbetica region (Andalusia, Spain), including sailing, Alúa Innova S.L. with the support of the Rural Development Group Subbética and the financial support of the EAFRD has promoted a training and sustainable tourism strategy in the largest lake in Andalusia, the Iznajar lake.
With the support of the European Regional Development Funds, the municipality of Zahara de la Sierra, located in the Sierra de Grazalema (Andalusia, Spain), has promoted a digital innovation strategy that has led to a significant improvement in the management of its cultural, heritage and tourism offer, as well as boosting its local commerce.
The RES (Range extender System) project, which concerns the development of an innovative solution for additional charging for the batteries of electric vehicles, has been awarded and funded within the "Smart fashion and design" call in the context of the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 of the Lombardy region.
ATLAZUL is a strategic project that promotes an Atlantic coastal alliance for blue growth. Through the support of the Spain - Portugal INTERREG programme, the 18 partners aim to deepen the opportunities by promoting Blue Growth policies that explore the synergies derived from constructive relations between the different sectors operating in this field.
Železniki are a small town in Gorenjska region with population of three thousand people. The occurrence of floods there is relatively high, since the town had been previously effected by high water in years 1979, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998 and 2007. In 2019, the cooperation of a local government and public institutions resulted in the beginning of an European Union cohesion project, titled Reduction of flood risk for the Selška Sora river sub-basin.
ARTEMISTA is a cultural association s founded in 2004 .Artemista deals with artistic, cultural, environmental and socio-educational projects. It was born from the meeting of artists from different disciplines, with the aim of developing unitary projects, research, production, training, through the union of different languages: Music, Theatre, Comics, Photography, Video.
The Dodder Greenway is being developed to be a Greenway of international renown and to be on a par with the best greenways in the world. When complete it is envisaged to be over 17km long, linking Dublin City Center to South County Dublin. It is part of an overall vision to link Dublin City Centre to the Dublin Mountains. The greenway promises to cater for both commuter and social cyclists, representing a new transport and recreational facility for Dublin.
Dwr Uisce in Ireland is developing new smart and low-carbon technologies and services required for energy recovery Improving the efficiency of water distribution in Ireland and Wales is at the core of the project ethos, along with maximizing energy recovery in the water sector. Helping generate jobs and boost the economy, provide environmental savings through energy recovery, as well as deliver low-carbon solutions to ensure a more sustainable future.
The Kilkenny Abbey Quarter is a vibrant new urban quarter in the heart of the medieval city. Providing an exceptional business location for companies seeking outstanding global connectivity and the capacity to attract high calibre talent.Located on the site of the former Brewery on the banks of the River Nore. This site was originally settled in the 13th century by Franciscan monks who established St. Francis Abbey.
The Astino Biodiversity Valley is a project desired and implemented by the Bergamo Botanical Garden, coordinated by the City of Bergamo and financed by the European Cohesion Fund through the Lombardy Region. 20,000 square metres of planting with 350 horticultural plant species guaranteeing the protection of the plant biodiversity present in the area. The project also includes a series of initiatives aimed at the population and schools to develop knowledge and awareness of local agricultural products and their seasonality. At the end of each production cycle, the vegetables are offered to the citizens.
Farm4more is a four year agricultural pilot project. It is the first Irish-led life climate action project. Split evenly between partner organizations in Ireland and Austria. Aiming to Implement technologies, strategies and techniques to achieve climate mitigation and animal protein production with biochart pilot plant and green biorefineries. They aim to produce GHG reducing animal feed additives and process organic grass-silage into high value organic protein feeds. Delivering climate change mitigation impacts for the livestock industry.